mercredi 19 août 2020

Reign of Fire

One of the few movies I've actually seen in theaters. Feels like a long time ago.

Decent overall movie with a few really good parts and a few that where just so-so. Overall plot never made a lot of sense but scene by scene it was pretty good.

One of those movies that got me thinking about prepping before I ever actually started even thinking about building the tower. In retrospect, I wonder how much it inspired me to end up living in an anachronistic medieval tower with full fire suppression systems, radio towers and crops at a separate site a short drive away? I'm pretty much living in the single family version of what they had in that movie.

The children's catechism is something I've been thinking about too a lot lately. My kid turned five this summer and is 'warped' by covid as to a kid her age, the last six months seems like most of her life and she barely remembers the before time.


Quinn: What do we do when we are awake?
The Children: Keep two eyes on the sky.
Quinn: What do we do when we sleep?
The Children: Keep one eye on the sky.
Quinn: What do we do when we see them?
The Children: Dig hard, dig deep, go for shelter, and never look back.
I've been thinking of a modern variation...

"What do we do when we go to town?"

"Put on a mask"

What to we do we come home?

"Wash our hands"

"What do we do when we see other people?"

"Stay six feet away, go for shelter and never tell them how much toilet paper we have...."

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Reign of Fire

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