lundi 17 août 2020

Republican to speak at the Demo convention


Several former Republican leaders are slated to speak on the first night of this year’s Democratic National Convention, including former U.S. New York Rep. Susan Molinari, who once spoke at the Republican National Convention, and former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a frequent Trump critic who ran for president in 2016.

Former New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman and former Hewlett Packard CEO Meg Whitman are also on the list of GOP speakers expected to give remarks virtually on Monday night.

Not so much a surprise about Kasich, a well Known RINO. But Susan Molinari is a surprise. She was the Vice Chair of the House Republican Conference when Newt Gingrich was Speaker. The vice chair is selected by vote of the GOP Reps. She followed her father into the House seat so its kind of like Murkowski from Alaska. She served for 3 terms. The New York times endorsed her. Her family is from New York so even thou she and her father claimed to be republican, they were RINOs. Definitely not conservative.

But her fellow reps voted her into the very prestigious and powerful position of Vice Chair of the House Rep Conf. Just shows the ineptitude of the reps we have. She also spoke I want to hear what newt Gingrich has to say about this.


In her autobiography she intimated that the tense ideological atmosphere within the Republican Party after they won majority in the House and Georgian Newt Gingrich became Speaker contributed to her unease. Molinari gave the keynote speech at the 1996 Republican National Convention, but resigned from the House in June 1997 to take a job as a television journalist for CBS.[


On February 23, 2012, Molinari was named to head Google Inc.'s lobbying and policy office in Washington, D.C
Whitman seemed to be OK but


On February 26, 2016 she endorsed John Kasich in his bid seeking the GOP nomination for presidential candidate.[44] She said that Donald Trump was using fascist tactics in his campaign and after Chris Christie's endorsement of Trump said that, in the case of a Trump nomination by the GOP, she would vote for Hillary Clinton. In 1995, the Republican Party selected Whitman to deliver the party's State of the Union response
Both Whitman and Molinari support same sex marriage.

How can they speak for Biden and support a leftist, progressive, liberal government.

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Republican to speak at the Demo convention

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