dimanche 11 octobre 2020

Democrats becoming more fascist, communist, socialist

Watching Democrats look for ways to get Trump out of office resonates fascism, communism, and socialism. They will not tolerate another political party being in power.

Hitler had the Night of the Long Knives.
Stalin had a revolution, which saw the royal family murdered.

Even to this day Putin is accused of having political enemies murdered.
China jails political dissidents.
1989 Tiananmen Square.

To that list we can add Democrats falsely accusing Trump of collusion with Russia, using the courts as a political weapon, impeachment, and now talks of using the 25th amendment to remove Trump from office.

BLM and antifa riots. Leftist are using more violence against Trump supporters.

It is obvious BLM, antifa, and Democrats in true ISM (three forms of government that end with ISM - fascism, communism, and socialism) fashion, if they can not remove the opposing political party through elections, they will be forced out with violence.

Will not be long until the people are ruled by a one party system. If another party is elected, Democrats will obstruct them to the point of being nullified.

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Democrats becoming more fascist, communist, socialist

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