vendredi 9 octobre 2020

Joe Biden on packing the Supreme Court

In case there is anyone who doesn't know, packing the court means adding more justices to the high court to artificially create a majority. The Democrats have been threatening to do this.

Since the ones threatening to pack the court always appoint activist judges, this will effectively change the court from a protector of the Constitution to a super legislative body, and that will render the Constitution meaningless; instead of being a wall between America and tyranny the court will become a tool of tyranny, able to dictate anything it wants, without being subject to removal by the voters.

Joe Biden has been asked multiple times (though not by his comrades in the liberal press) if he will do this and he has adamantly refused to answer. So as Mike Pence pointed out, his refusal to answer is an answer.

Imagine that you are the curator of a museum filled with priceless objects. You are interviewing an applicant for chief executive over the security department. So you ask him outright "are you going to steal anything from the museum?" And he says "I'm not going to answer that because as soon as I do it will be the issue." So you press him for an answer and he absolutely refuses to give you one.

Would you hire that guy?

This is what Joe Biden is doing when he refuses to answer the question over whether he'll pack the Supreme Court. The Constitution is one of the most valuable things the American people have, and he will not answer the question of will he steal it from us.

So would you hire Joe Biden to be Chief Executive over our country?

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Joe Biden on packing the Supreme Court

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