jeudi 8 octobre 2020

Why Trump drives me nuts

I absolutely despise Trump as a human being. He is a childish, babbling, melomaniac, to say a few things about him, but there are plenty more. I don't ever recall a politician on the Republican side where I disliked the person so much but agree with the vast majority of his policies. I feel like if Trump could act professional and articulate himself, and not get into petty name calling and other childish behavior, he would be absolutely blowing Biden out of the water.

From what I have read, it seems that many of you think Trump has this election in the bag. I hope so (as much as I despise him, America needs his policies and not some kook leftist's) but I'm starting to wonder if his personal behavior is really starting to sour with some people. The ones I know aren't going to vote for Harris/Biden, they just aren't going to vote, as they can't bring themselves to support Trump as a person and separate the person from the policy.

Anyone else in this camp, where you dig his policy direction (at least what he can move through at this point or what he wants to do) but really can't stomach him as a human? Do you think this will have any noticeable impact in the election? I get his frustration and his need to lash out given what he is up against, just wish he had more of a Trey Gowdy or James Woods ability to do so.

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Why Trump drives me nuts

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