I mean you have the whole 40 year thing where they're handed over to the Philistines, then a miracle birth. He kills a lion with his bare hands, but doesn't bother telling anyone about it. I guess that is why his riddle later was so effective. But then he goes out and murders 30 men and steals their clothes to pay back the debt from his riddle/gambling.
He later goes out and catches 300 foxes, ties their tails together and uses them to torch the Philistines fields? He gets tied up with two brand new ropes, breaks through them no problem grabs a donkeys jaw bone and uses it to kill 1,000 Philistines soldiers?
Then of course Delilah betrays him, his hair is cut and he losses his power. Yet god returns him strength again in the end and he knocks over the pillars and takes down the temple killing everyone inside.
The whole story sounds pretty unbelievable considering in the story he kills over 1,000 soldiers at one time let alone the amount of people he kills in total. I'm wondering if there is some kind of explanation christians have for believing this occurred, or if they think this is some sort of parable.
Questions for Christians
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