jeudi 19 mai 2016

Driving Cross Country w/ a Gun

Hi all, as the title says, I'll be travelling cross country in a couple months in my truck with my girlfriend. We will be traveling from Florida to the Sierra Mountains in Kalifornia, taking the northerly route through several fairly strict states as opposed to the southern route through Texas/Arizona etc... I never leave home without at least a sidearm, but clearly, crossing all these states and spending a few days in Kali arrises some serious legal concerns for me.

So the basis of my concern is, how have other multi state travelers procured information about how to stay in compliance while crossing so many state borders with so many drastically different laws in which we must comply in order to stay out of trouble? Being a Florida native, I am somewhat spoiled with our relaxed laws in regard to carry/possesion of a firearm/round count constraints.

But here's the caveat, I'm an FFL holder as well, does this even factor in to my planning or do I throw that out the window when interstate travel is concerned?

We most likely wont experience any interaction with law enforcement, but it would be a shame to ruin a trip and face fees/jail time just for being ignorant to local law...

We will be camping along the way in places/parks/camp grounds which I have no prior experience of these paricular places and our self protection from two and four legged threats is a big concern to me. Any input from anyone who has been in this situation or has tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


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Driving Cross Country w/ a Gun

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