jeudi 19 mai 2016

The nature of the different types of troops.

A my clumsy translation from Russian (sorry)


Key features - impudence. "The main thing is to start a fight, next we'll see." He is an individualist, but not through action but accustomed to understand that it is necessary most. This brings up the habit in the soul of the Marines some fatalism. If a company commander-infantryman will blame the authorities of indifference and require all support. Marine with the same number of people and technology is to @[email protected] all the Mujahideen in the province. Sometimes this attitude leads to unpleasant consequences, yes.


Key features - thoroughness. First reconnaissance. Then head patrol. Then he can move to. He is aware of their own importance and the conceit - because everything else on the battlefield is designed to support and ensure the actions of His Infantry Majesty's . He doesn't like Marines and considers them as upstarts, believing that truth is not in the physical strength. Infantry truth - is the organization, coordination and cooperation. Marines begin to envy - they do not have the destructional power of artillery and tank foreheads. He is collectivist. Not like a sailor, but....


Key features - prudence. What, where, how much, at what time ... He is an intellectual - he can swear without repeating and discuss work of Matisse and Picasso. He is in love with the technological progress. New products and enhancements, especially those that can be fed as a sacrifice to God of Rate of Fire is brought into ecstasy. In the absence of centralized supply novelties he able to build a fire control system from the laptop and three PDAs, and then will be glad to share with all colleagues.


Key features - deliberation (not to be confused with slowness). Similar to the infantry - he will not go anywhere without prior is reconnaissance. Then he would call half the terrain inaccessible to tanks, and would not go thereto under any circumstances. This slowness, however, is very deceptive. If there is a emergency situation instantly accelerates and erases the enemy into a powder. The same collectivist, but canny.


Key features - a curiosity. He a kid who have a favorite toy and looks down on those who do not have it. Extreme individualist - as it always (in most cases) alone. Comrades in the wing, stretched out on a couple of hundred kilometers wide and fifty deep - more abstraction in the air, but a reality - only he and his plane. He not accept other pilots - either ignores or feeds tales of varying degrees of improbability, and only taking as its starting to talk normally. All ground forces are jealous of him, and do not like him, even though deep down believe there he is very helpful.


The main feature - bitchiness. This is child, he had not the plane in childhood or adolescence didn't get to be the pilot because of poor health. He hates all fly, from the raven until satellites and considers it necessary to destroy. He loves the days when people moved across the seas on solid liners, and the pilots were considered circus actors and acrobats. But in these times he does not want - he is obsessed with modern electronics no less than artilleryman, but where to get its on this Belle Epoque?


Key features - restlessness. He's a kid too, but he have not a Toy, but the Adventure, which he dreamed all his life. He is extreme collectivist worse infantryman. Together makes everything - from moonshining and drinking, to direct job responsibilities, for such is the specificity of service. He loves the modern machinery of not less artilleryman and antiaircrafter but never does not admit it, preferring to demonstrate a tendency to sail an old romance, brass cannons and manila rope.


Key features - assiduity. He looks down to anyone and all other troops as obsolete and unnecessary. He likes to technical progress and the machinery of not less than the artilleryman, particularly with buttons. He fatalist, is not surprising. He often drink tea with cookies.

Сommunications man

Key features - laziness. His laziness is creative - you can not see, not hear, but it works. He an individualist. His detractors are of the opinion that he was a master translation problems to other people. In his own opinion, he is not going to go to unknown to him area where it is more spoil than to correct. New technique adores, but periodically demonstrative ... or the heart (who will understand it?) Nostalgic for the spark radiostations.


Key features - friendliness. He is a good magician of armed forces. He appears at the right time, doing its good work and goes to help others in need.

He possesses the secret knowledge of the digging, burrowing, blasting, mining, etc. If a minefield for the Tanker and Infantryman is: !@#$, for the sapper it is six hundred kilograms of TNT ("what will stoke the stove"). To modern technology he relates with a strong irony, relying on the good old days: a shovel, ax and explosives, with the help of which and makes his magic.

From Infantryman he differs complete lack of a sense of collectivism. While it may make the work of all who catch if necessary. He sacred reveres safety. Mistaken only once in a lifetime.

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The nature of the different types of troops.

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