mercredi 31 août 2016

Looking For Verification

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Looking For Verification
Old Today, 03:13 PM
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The German government has begun sending out Conscription (Draft) Orders for military service and the people being drafted into the Army are DOCTORS! SuperStation95 has confirmed two (2) individual Doctors who have received the Draft Orders. One must report to a military center to begin Army service in eight (8) days, the other is required to report in fourteen (14) days. The notices make clear the Doctors “are not to talk about this with anyone.”

It is now ultra-clear that European governments are preparing for war. This Drafting of Doctors comes less than one week after the German government issued a 69 page document to their citizens calling for the “immediate stockpiling of food and water” and justified this urgent action by saying “in case of an emergency which threatens our existence.” One day later, the Czech Republic told its citizens to begin “preparing for the worst.” Five days later, the government of Finland began quietly telling its citizens, through local government Councils, to begin stockpiling food and water, to prepare for something bad.

I will check around but feels like HYPE.

The letters CLEARLY said dont talk about this with ANYONE

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