dimanche 28 août 2016

You should learn to build your own AK rifles.

whenever people ask which AK they should get, i always tell them to learn to build them to the point i dont want to say it anymore so i will just make a thread. many off the shelf AKs do have flaws be it quality control in the parts used (soft barrels, cast trunnions, you know who im talking about) to the insanely overpriced (like krebs) the best way to get the AK you want is to build it yourself

this may sound hard but if you take the moment to educate yourself on the process of constructing AKs (you can skip flat bending, rail welding, heat treating, etc and start with a completed, welded, heat treated receiver which saves you most the work). with a completed receiver, you can buy kits that have barrels pre-headspaced to the trunnion but headspacing a raw barrel is something thats pretty easy to do if you take the time to do it and there are inexpensive, simple hand tools you can purchase for riveting the trunnions, and installing and populating the barrels.. its really not as hard as it sounds

the reason behind doing this, well theres quite a few of them..

reason 1, YOU control the level of quality and the fit and finish (if you want something done right, do it yourself)..

reason 2, you learn your rifle inside and out, you know how it functions, you will know how to diagnose problems and failures should they occur, and you will now how to make repairs and change parts as necessary..

reason 3, you will save a lot of money, the receiver, parts kit, and tools cost less than buying an arsenal AK and consecutive builds cost even less, and

reason 4, there is a lot of aftermarket available for them, some of which must be installed during a new build, be it buffer tube or ACE modular trunnions for more stock options, the sabrewerks KOP rail system that replaces the rear sight block.. combination sight/gas blocks that simplify construction, reduce weight, and bring point of balance rearward.. and you can go underfolder, side folder, fixed, etc on just about anything with the proper rear trunnion and parts making AKs more customizable in many cases than the AR-15, and you get more options for caliber than just 7.62x39 or 5.45


so people wondering which AK they should get, which ones the best, and if youre thinking about a SHTF scenario where no ones going to be able to fix or repair your rifle but you, there are a lot of great videos on youtube, i suggest watching some and consider learning how to build your own AK rifles so you will also be able to adequately maintain, repair, and replace parts as necessary to keep it functioning

again, its not nearly as difficult as it sounds

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You should learn to build your own AK rifles.

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