dimanche 28 août 2016

The problem with Hillary

Something struck me this morning. In every election cycle, accusations of all sorts of heinous things are bandied about by both sides, and the public have learned to take them with a grain of salt. The problem with Hillary, however, is unique, in that the accusations are actually true. They are so heinous, in fact, that concocting fictitious exaggerations becomes impossible.

For example, chuckling about getting a paedophile rapist and attempted child murderer off by claiming that his 12 year old victim was the one who initiated the encounter... sounds far-fetched, but is evidenced by both court records and audio recordings.

Setting up a homebrew email server to hide the fact that she was selling out the country by trading influence for hundreds of millions in donations to her fake charity... sounds like election year slender, but is factually evidenced despite attempts to destroy all records.

Allowing American diplomats and their rescuers to die during a prolonged terrorist siege just to cover up illegally arming factions in foreign nations and foment rebellion abroad, knowing full well that there was time to intervene and save lives, and then blaming it on a YouTube video that almost nobody had ever seen... sounds like pure fiction, but is what actually transpired.

My point is, if one were to try to concoct fictions about Hillary to stop her from becoming President, where would they begin? Of what more could they accuse her that is more damning than those factual happenstances?

I can remember when Bill Clinton was running in 92 and 96. There were plenty of facts to recommend against him, but there were still plenty of imaginitive exaggerations floating around as well. But with Hillary? Not so much. How do you counter hyperbolic statements about Trump when you really can't create any about his opponent? In fact, the false accusatiins against Trump aren't even as heinous as the facts about her. And the low-information voters just don't know or care.

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The problem with Hillary

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