mardi 30 août 2016

Poll: What do you see as the future of political parties in America?

My opinion:

Obama, Clinton and the other Democratic power brokers have succeeded in fundamentally transforming the Democratic Party into a criminal enterprise that is now represented by socialists, communists, radicals, and brain dead gruberite voters. Their “base” is largely composed of people who vote for a living paid by tax payers and government influence… welfare recipients, unions, government workers, government contractors, Clinton-like big donors, the media, Hollywood elites, etc. A small number of retired Democrats still cling to the now defunct Democratic Party that used to be the party of the working man and women. They are steadily being replaced by Bernie’s cupcakes and snowflakes looking for social justice, safe spaces to pontificate liberal BS and free stuff. The trajectory is socialism.

While Democrats were busy morphing into corruption and dysfunction, the Republican party has also managed to transform themselves into two separate components… roughly 60% (Trump supporters who are working and supporting themselves) who still believe and strive for small government, balanced budgets, personal responsibility, lower taxes and fewer regulations, maximum personal freedom and honesty and integrity in government, and a strong but not nation-building military, and secure borders. And the other 40% (RINOs, never Trumps, welfare recipients who were born into the Republican Party and the big money Clinton-like opportunists) who say they are for traditional Republican values, but like the Democratic Party, utilize government directly and indirectly for their own personal gain.

Democrats are now fully invested in crime, corruption, pay-to-play and “what’s in it for me” while Republicans, who don’t support Trump, are migrating steadily in that direction. Trump is a flawed candidate for sure with good intentions. I am not sure where he is going or how he will get there. However, I am 100% sure where the others are going and it is NOT good for freedom, prosperity, and the American Dream.

I envision three parties emerging after this election… Socialist (with elements of old Republican Party), Republican composed of Trump supporters, and a hybrid composed of Bernie followers and Never Trump people.

What do you see as the future of political parties in America?

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Poll: What do you see as the future of political parties in America?

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