This is my first time posting in this section and It may not be right for this section, if not I won't be offended if a Mod moves it. BUT
When TSHTF or we have an EOTWAWKI scenario that knocks out communications and electricity, Books will be like manna from heaven to the brain. Over my 60 years I've been a guy that preferred the movie over reading as I was tortured in College having to read "The Odyssey" But it wasn't until I grew older that I learned to appreciate the silence and peacefulness of a good book. (Something hard for an ADD Musician to acclimate to)
I have a small but decent library of about 40 books or less. Many of them are self-help books (Stephen Covey) Many of them are about WWII from the German aspect. (I'm German) I have books like "The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Biographies of Gunther Rall. Everything on Oswald Boelcke (German WWI Ace)
I have the Classics of Shakespeare. (I used to belong to a Classic Book Club)
Lots of biographies on Musicians I admire (being a professional musician) such as John Lennon and Elvis.
About a year ago, I started reading Albert Schweitzer and got a first edition of "African Notebook".
I've never read Moby **** so I bought that a couple of nights ago on EBAY and tonight I bought the script and legend of Casablanca.
I'm on the look out for an Encyclopedia Britannica collection but I don't know which edition to buy as the History shifters will be calling George Washington a slave owner and claim he died of syphilis. (I want to avoid such "re-written" history.) I think I'll have to pick one of those up in a garage sale.
ANYWAY: I wanted to ask what books you would start collecting if you anticipated a Carrington event or EMP or a Nuke? I was thinking I would get what I thought were the best movies of my lifetime such as "The Godfather". How else will we be able to remember these wonderful stories? And I'll get to see if (Like they say) Oh the book was much better than the Movie.
Yes I know there are classics like "Gone with the wind". But what are the top 10 Books you would go out and buy if you didn't already own them to start your library? Books like "A Christmas Carol" by ****ens. Of course I have several different versions of the Bible. (For cross reference).
What are your MUST HAVES?
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