mardi 27 septembre 2016

How far have we sunk as a nation?

When breaking the law is viewed as not that they did; but rather the intent? Example. It was a accidental discharge, it wasn't my fault. Ok, so murder didn't occur but manslaughter did. In Hillary's case a foreign intelligence source is dead. What kind of a message does that send to future persons willing to spill the beans?

Moving on; was the Director of the FBI lacking the mettle to echo the GAO report that Hillary was negligent regarding the use of her private email server? Trey Gowdy pretty much made the case that Hillary lied about the highly calssified information on her personal server. She exposed national secrets. No charges because she didn't mean to do it?

Moving on; Loretta Lynch the current AG was a member of the Clinton Whitewater defense team and had an impromtu meeting with Bill Clinton while his wife was under investigation for improperly handling classified information. Nothing happened? Tell me another one (sarcasm).

The fact that Hillary shared access to classified information with persons (her lawyers) lacking a security clearance speaks of gross negligence. Hillary at her FBI interview where she dictated the terms of the meeting and wasn't even sworn in. She then told them she couldn't remember being given her instructions on how to handle classified information briefing due to her concussion. Comment; "Isn't that convenient?"

Now allow me ask; does she believe that client lawyer privilidge trumps (pun intended) the law regarding handling classified information? Isn't she a Harvard trained lawyer with over thirty years of public service in various capacities? Comment; "Or is it because her last name is Clinton that she can dodge prosecution?"

Now she's running for President having arranged through her corrupt party officials to deny the will of the people and rig the results. OK, so Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned from her position as the chairperson of the Democratic Party only to be hired by Hillary for her campaign. So this is supposed to democracy in action? You can vote but it doesn't count if it doesn't fit the preconceived results? Comment; speechless.

Let me also add, her husband is an accused rapist and has cheated on her for decades. Martyr points? Moving along, in my opinion; the Clinton Foundation doesn't really seem to be a charitible organization but rather as a way for the Clintons to rake in foreign contributions for political favors and share with their loyalists.

Don't get me wrong, Trump has his warts but when comparing the outsider vs. the Washington establishment insider how will the nuetral voting populance react on election day? Will the patriots and people hoping for real change win or will the sheeple vote for a candidate that doesn't make them uneasy? That my friend is the real question that will be answered on election day.

On the otherhand, if Hillary was indicted, if Lorretta Lynch was indicted, if the Director of the of the FBI was indicted in the wake of a Trump victory would there be mass riots? Or would a different event trigger social unrest? Or would a Trump victory motivate the Republican party to give them all a pass to avoid spilling the apple cart?

A few more rambling thoughts; I'm not getting any younger and not feeling confident about enjoying a peaceful retirement down the road. Then again, I might just get lucky and get through this mess called life and see it remain calm/normal for a little while more. In the interrim, hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. Comment: Proud to be a deplorable.

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How far have we sunk as a nation?

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