mardi 27 septembre 2016

No construction / building craftsman type section on Survivalist Boards?

Perhaps I'm wrong, but I don't think I've really seen a section of the forums where construction related discussion belongs. Being able to work on your home post-SHTF when the Home Depot or contractors are no longer a phone call away would be a pretty big concern. And seeing as how it's an essential skill and how this site is all about knowledgeable people providing advice and information to those who seek it, shouldn't/is there a place on here to discuss it?

After growing up a kid too distracted with videogames and playing in the woods rather than working with my dad in the garage, I wised up in my early 20's and self taught myself to become averagely handy. Yet, I do have questions on particular projects and repairs and renovations and such. I would just join another forum online for this specifically, but I have come to respect and prefer the like minded people I find on Survivalist Boards and would like to get their $0.02 instead.

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No construction / building craftsman type section on Survivalist Boards?

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