mardi 2 mai 2017

Oath keepers dont believe in the 2a

If as a police officer you've ever approved of arresting or arrested someone charged strictly on weapons related charges than you're not a second amendment supporter. What I mean is if you've ever done one of the following:

1. Arrested someone for illegally carrying concealed.

2. Arrested someone for illegally carrying openly.

3. Arrested someone for owning an illegal suppressor.

4. Arrested someone for owning an illegal SBR or machine gun.

5. Arrested someone for owning magazines that are illegal in your state.

6. Arrested someone for owning a gun that is illegal in your state.

7. Arrested a convicted felon for possessing a firearm.

8. You get the point.

More importantly I highly doubt you wouldn't follow orders for a massive disarmament of the people. After all you're already willing to enforce unconstitutional laws.

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Oath keepers dont believe in the 2a

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