samedi 22 juillet 2017

"Free" 5N1 Tactical Survival Tool?

Default"Free" 5N1 Tactical Survival Tool?

Got the email from SurvivalBlog Admin about a "complimentary" survival gadget. It purports to give me a free "$65 value" 5N1 Tactical Survival Tool complements of Bob Pierce, President of FightFast/TRS. Now I'm always skeptical of anything that sounds too good to be true, because experience has shown that to almost always be the case. Still, I was curious, so I entered a throw-down email address. Sure enough, it was "free" with a $9.95 shipping/handling fee. Now it could possibly be worth $10, but I resent people trying to fool me. If they had said "deeply discounted tool, only $7 + $3 shipping", I would have been OK with that. I believe this to be just another ploy to harvest emails for solicitation purposes.

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"Free" 5N1 Tactical Survival Tool?

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