dimanche 16 juillet 2017

UN to eventually take our guns.....

Interesting and concerning the title of this thread: "UN to eventually take our guns..... " is that I hope to live long enough to see it finally happen plus some other things that I won't mention also happen that some of us have been waiting a few decades to happen!

Personally it doesn't matter to me how many treaties, laws etc. are passed. I think that in big cities, even almost all cities, martial law, gun control etc. will happen. Control or take away guns in remote, rural areas such as ranches, homesteads and such? I truly doubt it if they could even find the guns, ammo to confiscate.

Some states might or should tell the UN, the feds etc. to just leave us alone! I am thinking Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Texas and possibly a few other states.

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UN to eventually take our guns.....

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