samedi 14 octobre 2017

If you could only carry one firearm in a WROL world what would it be?

If you could only have one firearm for an SHTF event, what would it be?

-it can only be ONE firearm
-it has to be a real firearm that is legally obtainable (no mini guns or rocket launchers, etc.)
-explain why you would choose it, and how you would carry it
-Choose from a firearm that you have or one that you think you would want to have and explain why
-Include pictures of you want

This is meant to be fun, but also to share ideas and to learn reasons for other peoples preferences. Lets have fun and learn from each other.

I will start:

Out of the guns I currently own:

44 magnum S&W model 629 Performance center 2 5/8" barrel snubbie

How would I carry it?

I would carry it on my waist as a crossdraw with the holster I curently have on my pants belt so I have have my knife on my strong side and it is with me everywhere I go. Sometimes a knife is better than a gun and faster as well as quieter. If some bad person surprises you and rushes you and you don't have time to draw you are better off going right to your knife when it is up close and personal. Plus cross draw is easier to draw from almost any position especially when you are sitting in a vehicle or driving one.

Why did I choose it?

Because it is light at only 2.5 pounds I can wear it all day and all night even when I sleep and I won't even feel it there until I need it. Lugginf around an AR all day will wear you down and may get in way if you need to running, climb, or do physical things. It is very compact so it won't interfere with running, climbing, forcing entry, fighting, or other physical tasks in a SHTF/WROL world. However it has a lot more punch than standard rounds like 9mm or 40 and even 45. I can use anything from hollow points to hardcasts for defense against 2 legged or 4 legged threat. I can hunt with it up to 50 yards good enough for deer, and with hardcasts I can stop a bear or shoot through cover in a gunfight. 44 magnum is also cheap so easy to stockpile in pre-SHTF and it is very common so it would be easy to barter, buy, or scavenge during WROL.

In my thinking I don't really want to draw attention to myself or my family in a WROL event especially as time goes on and things go further south. As time goes on the sound of a gun shot or firefight could draw attention to bad people who may want to investigate who is shooting and possibly to take your stuff. I don't want to be engaging in firefights because in WROL you wont have ability to re- supply and you won't have medics. If you dump 30 rounds in a situation you can't just go to your local store and replenish, also if you get shot or injured indirectly froma gunfight you won't be able to just go to the hospital if the grid is down for days or weeks. Hospitals will be out of business or too dangerous. I would want to conserve my ammo and make every bullet count which is what is nice about revolvers it is hard to dump 20 or 30 rounds fast like in a semi auto. Also the revolver is gauranteed to shoot and much more reliable than a semi auto. Revolvers don't need to be cleaned as much to work and less things to go wrong than a semi. Plus if the revolver is stainless steel it is basically bombproof.

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If you could only carry one firearm in a WROL world what would it be?

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