samedi 30 décembre 2017

Arctic snow day hike DOG encounter...

So i recently found a regional park ive never been to before. Its been very cold -25 right now. Anyway Im all suited up and im out tramping around the woods enjoying myself. All is well.

The next day I decide to bring my mom with haha (shes tough). So we are out there walking around for about an hour and on the way back we are literally maybe 1 klick from the parking lot on the trail. Out of now where an adolescent looking german shep appears. Now I like dogs especially this breed. The trail was somewhat narrow as my mom and i were in single file, her behind me. Im packing a 40 cal in my waistband under 3 layers of clothing (dumb).

Well the dog stops and its staring at me about 10 yards out. I see in the distance behind the dog a guy who seems to be the owner. But my focus is on the dog because he didnt look friendly. So im like "hey puppy" in a friendly toned voice not making direct eye contact but looking in his direction. I was standing stone cold still and my face was covered with a balaclava.

Well the dog growled and barked visciously and made a bluff charge. I remained still and didnt make a move waiting for the hound to close distance. He stopped in his tracks after sprinting about halfway. My adrenaline was going and I was ready and bracing for the attack.

My plan was to fight him off with my boots and well placed kicks to his head and then pick him up by his neck/scruff and toss him off the cliff we were adjacent to. Luckily the dog sensed I wasnt about to turn bitch and then the owner called him back after he noticed. The owner yelled out an apology and said he was distracted by his phone (go figure). Dog had a collar but was off leash. Which I dont know what kind of idiot lets his dog off leash if he knows his dogs not very nice.

It got me thinking because the previous day I saw a few random people out, all solo and 1 of which was a little old lady.

The funny thing about it was I was joking and sent out some messages to my friends saying if im not back by sundown, im wolf food. haha.

Lesson learned, in winter time with heavy clothing its best to maybe wear some kind of vest so you can have a cross draw/chest holster or small slingback that can be positioned to the front. Not only that but wearing heavy gloves would have made it impossible to draw and blast.

And as most of these situations go, it all happened quite fast. Between getting a visual on the dog to him charging me took all of 6 seconds.

The need to have SOMETHING in your hands or quickly available is paramount. Another option I thought of was strapping my GI TANTO blade to my forearm. and lastly I have a pretty sweet hiking stick I picked up which came in handy when I sprained my ankle.

So basically my plan is, knife strapped to forearm, small sling type pouch thats front carry for firearm, and carry a big stick! and be strong/ready for hand to claw combat if it comes down to it.

And he was clearly focused on me, im wondering if my face being covered freaked him out or something as he ignored/disregarded my mom completely (add to the fact i was in front of her too).

I know we came across some horses on a trail before and I had my face obscured and the horse looked pretty dodgy and spooked by my appearance.

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Arctic snow day hike DOG encounter...

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