lundi 25 décembre 2017

The legend of Randolph - a contemporary fable

We've all heard of Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen... Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen.

Most of us have heard of Rudolph the Red nosed reindeer who started out as an oddball outcast before he was accepted but few have heard of Rudolph's clumsy half-brother Randolph.

Randolph was about as uncoordinated as it was possible for a reindeer to be. He would constantly trip over his own hooves, bump into things like walls and trees. Santa spent many hours trying to train Randolph in the skills of pulling a sleigh while in harness.

Time after time, Santa would put Randolph into the traces and hook him up to the small training sleigh.

And time after time, Randolph would get his hooves all tangled up and either fall over, break the traces or tip over the sleigh. Santa, being a very patient and kindly elf, persisted in the training until one day, as if by magic, Randolph seemed to "get it" and was able to successfully pull the training sleigh all the way across Santa's North Pole training field.

Santa was overjoyed since Prancer was starting to suffer from a bit of arthritis and hoped that Randolph could fill in for him... at least on a temporary basis.

Finally, the big day came for Randolph's maiden flight as part of Santa's 1st string reindeer team and, in the beginning, everything seemed to go right as rain. Hitched in the second row on the left, immediately behind Dasher, Randolph followed Santa's commands beautifully... running to attain flying velocity, responding quickly and correctly to Santa's tugs on the reins... it seemed as if Randolph's maiden flight would be just the first of many in his new career as one of Santa's finest.

That was, until the team arrived at the first rooftop that Santa wanted to land on and Randolph suddenly forgot his training, failed to properly apply his brakes and rand smack-dab into Dasher's rear end!

And thus, was created the legend of Randolph, the brown nosed reindeer!


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The legend of Randolph - a contemporary fable

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