samedi 30 décembre 2017

Will it be 2018?

So we close off the 2017 chapter and look forward to another year of degradation. 2017 was a year of slow burning. Rating downgrades, international embarrassment, corruption scandals, a factional split in the ANC, a new ANC pres and of course a few MAJOR announcements that do not bode well for us. Of these announcements, the ones I think will be major ignition points are:
a) A final rand denominated debt downgrade by Fitch, due in Feb. This will compound the severity of everything else in the country from food to transport to housing.
b) Free tertiary education for first year students. In true backward thinking our "numba won" has decided that a R50bn shortfall is just too small. Where the money will come from to make this happen, who knows. We can count on our red beret wearing freaks to cash in on this one to stoke the revolutionary flames. I see fire, lots of it.
c)EWC. Finally, the ANC shows it's true colours to the rest of the world and simultaneously reveals the EFF/ANC strategy by announcing they will be changing the constitution to allow for expropriation without compensation. Sadly for many libtards and naive pale faces, the penny has still not dropped. Congratulations on your new property purchase, you're about to lose a lot of moola!
d)Western Cape water crisis. With day zero now set at April/May and likely to be moved closer to March after the holidays, this has profound consequences for the whole country. No Water means absolute chaos, like a wet blackout. For me, this is the one that will likely get us doing final checks on our BOB's.
e)State of emergency. I have been of the opinion that a State of Emergency is going to be the final card the Zuptas will be able to play to hold on to power. Their are multiple ignition points that could set this play into motion.

This is Africa, and there is no rush here. We still have some time to refocus our strategies and priorities before things go boom. However, be cautious as time is fast running out, for Zuma, the ANC and the country. Ol Cyril ain't gonna be saving the day, regardless of what libby Liz next door says.

So welcome 2018 by sharpening, reloading and double-checking. It's the right thing to do.

PS: I know many preppers celebrated before the finish line and have backed off on their preparations. Now is the time to raise your guard again.

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Will it be 2018?

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