samedi 30 décembre 2017

Most survivalist-convinient eating/drinking habbits?

Either post-SHTF or even just a pre-SHTF-life-is-tough I'm starting to like the idea of convenient eating/drinking habbits.

THe most convinient eating/drinking habbits I could think of would be to skip lunch. Sometimes I think that our ancestors probably wanted to make the absolutely best out of every minute of daytime, so they prepared for daytime by drinking huge amounts of water + breakfast, then they left the safety of their river-bound camp for their adventures, but they didn't carry food, fire-abilities, water etc with them, they just waited with that until they came back to camp with their hunt.

That would actually work quite well with modern day living too, it's quite messy to bring food to work every day, to brush teeth at work, etc, it would be so much more convenient to just wait with all that until I get home to my house.

What do you think? Any other ideas you have or follow regarding making eating/drinking habbits more convenient (and therefore more survivalist)?

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Most survivalist-convinient eating/drinking habbits?

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