dimanche 31 décembre 2017

Hello, I'm new here

If you'd like to learn about me, I way overwrote on my profile page
I do write my own blog, it's at Oddbonkins.com. It's called Tech Rage. I have a lot of that. My main deal about that is that while technology can certainly be useful, it should work, and work as stated and advertised. I am highly annoyed by uncaring, incompetent and dishonest corporations that take your money for a service or product that doesn't work right, or is dangerous and unhealthy. I did not post this month, for example, because I have an uncertain and inadequate internet supplier that can't get my billing right, supplied me with the wrong plan and product even though I was very clear what my needs were, and apparently has no competent or honest customer service or billing representatives. Beware buyer, if you go to a Verizon store and have any problems, Verizon will tell you the stores are "different" and they aren't responsible for dishonest crappy things they may do to you there. I am a survivalist in the sense that while I would have liked to build a "hobbit house" under a hill, stock it against Armageddon type events, and stay there until I died of boredom, I have no way to finance such a deal. The best we could do is convert an old Ford airport shuttle. We should at least be able to escape a problemated area in a hurry, especially if we see it coming - that is, if the roads are passable. I read a post asking why people are not angry about a thing - well, I am. I am angry about a Lot of things. Health care issues, the tainted food and water supply, dangerous fanaticism, disappearing US freedoms, and yes, even people who don't understand America is a Continent and we live in the U.S. Africa is also a continent and has many different countries in it. Our country going to hell in a hand-basket concerns me greatly, especially our manner of not actually providing our children with true education. Are you aware that the mean IQ of the U.S. has actually gone down? Have you seen the movie "Idiocracy?" They did not intend a documentary, I understand, but it's looking a bit too close to reality in my opinion. I do believe Our country should come first, even though the entire planet, maybe all of humanity, is messed up. Whatever is going on elsewhere may be bad, but if we led by example, I'm certain it would help. I'm the type of person who could go on forever with what's wrong with our systems, but I wont right now. I'm happy to be a part of this group of thinking individuals. I don't care what Party you subscribe to, as I don't belong to either. I think the two party system and the electoral college has screwed us and divided us and while I always vote for what I consider the lesser evil, it makes me angry to even have to make that a choice. I do not subscribe to any organized church, as hypocrisy annoys me very much. I also do not believe that Prayer will fix everything. Non violent action is what is needed. You should probably know I like our dogs more than I do most people. Nice to be here!

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Hello, I'm new here

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