mercredi 3 janvier 2018

Are you prepping for sharia, and if so, how?

Mods--I put it in the manmade SHTF prepping forum because it's about prepping for a possible legal/economic/political/religious SHTF, but feel free to move if it should be in the religious or other forum.

Are you prepping for sharia? If so, how?

As Islam spreads, so is sharia. In some places, it is either the actual or de facto law of the land/region/community. The requirements/restrictions vary from country to country, and even within countries.

The restrictions/requirements strict sharia places on women, in particular, can cause some serious problems. "Little" things that we take for granted, like driving and moving around without a male relative. If you don't have a husband or available male relative, but you need to go to the grocery, the doctor, etc., now what? What if you aren't an older woman in an area where restrictions are eased/lifted after age 45 (or 60 or whatever)? Or your area never relaxes/removes the restrictions at a certain age?

What about burkas? What if they prohibit women in gyms? Roller rinks? Other activities?

What about property ownership, banking, etc.? What if they prohibit women form working or working in certain jobs, or get paid a lot less than men?

What if they abolish education for girls?

What if your subdivision HOA adopts some form of sharia? What about a city council becoming majority Muslim and imposing some form of sharia?

If you're not a Muslim, what about payment of jizya, and restrictions/proscriptions of non-Muslim religious activities and materials? What if non-Muslims are not allowed to work, not allowed in some occupations, or are paid much lower wages than Muslims?

What if you're a pig farmer? Dog breeder? Brewery/distillery?

What if SCOTUS rules sharia is not just religious since it covers non-religious (i.e. everyday/secular economic, legal, and political) activities?

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Are you prepping for sharia, and if so, how?

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