lundi 1 janvier 2018

Newby training tips

My mother is finally interested in being armed.

I've taken her shooting 2x while visiting.

Thing is she has vision problems: a severe stigmatism.

Finally broke that with a red dot.

Was still an issue with handguns.

I finally got her to get over it. (She's VERY precise. Couldn't understand the concept of "good enough") by blindfold ing myself, and dumping a cylinder (she picked a Model 10, not the Glock I was trying to get her to use) into a target.
-so there's now model 10's and speed loaders all over the house.

For some reason, blindfolded, rapid firing with a grouping I could cover with my hand @15-20' seemed to make the point to her (like nothing else would) that she didn't need to see/align everything perfectly to put bullets center mass. (Telling her she DIDN'T need to be able to see/focus on the target that she was shooting really didn't sink in.)
But those 6 rounds did.

-yes I 'cheated' body was indexed with the target... (easy/anyone could do it) was just proving you didn't need to see to get a grouping.

Hope I explained that adequately.

Another thing I do:

When people aren't hitting the target and blaming it on the gun I drop the mag (just one in the chamber) and take it in 2 fingers.
My thumb behind the backstrap and index on the finger.
Stand on one leg (was YEARS after my foot surgeries till I had enough balance to do this again) and fire 1 round into the bullseye.

It's LOTS Of fun to stand on one leg, fire a round into the bullseye only holding the gun with 2 fingers, and turn to the protester and say: "It's not the gun"

Trick is: it's actually EASIER to shoot a bullseye with only 2 fingers.... because as I say to the student:
The only things that matter are sight alignment and trigger control.... and the 'cheat" is with that grip it's EASIER. (The one leg is showmanship.)

What little "tricks" do you use to help teach?

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Newby training tips

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