samedi 17 mars 2018

Don's doing ok, considering the resistance

DefaultDon's doing ok, considering the resistance

after we get a dozen more of our kind of senators this November, he'll be able to get rid of the 30 million illegals and that will REALLY change things. If he can get another Supreme, we can get rid of the anchor babies and the amnestees, too. All together that will provide at least 5 million good jobs to US citizens, minimum and save us at least half a trillion $ a year. Give up the stupid dope war and save just as much. Cut back the military, spies to defense-only levels, elimiate ALL foreign aid, (ie, 10% of what the military is now) and save another trillion $ a year. With 2 trillion a year to spend on education, biz development, and infrastructure re-building, the US could be saved. Pay say, 10k each to have as of yet childless women (up to age 45) to be sterilized, fingerprint them to stop "repeaters", and save a ton more money now being wasted on dummies and their kids, too.

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Don's doing ok, considering the resistance

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