mercredi 21 mars 2018

New Yaesu FT- 2980 is really a nice radio. (Pictures)

Added two of these Yaesu radios to the stable for handout radios for friends and family should a major, major, major SHTF event happen.
I’ve got other 2M radios also to hand out, but this radio seems to stand out over the others in its power, simplicity, and overall toughness. Four power settings with the highest being
80 watts for high power and a simple menu hack to bump the power up to 100 watts for extreme emergencies where as you need a little extra temporary boost in power to make the contact.
May be buying more as time goes by.
Whats not to love on these radios ?

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New Yaesu FT- 2980 is really a nice radio. (Pictures)

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