jeudi 22 mars 2018

Should I bring a rifle?


Originally Posted by hudson69View Post
Greetings all,
Question for you: I will be going on a road trip. From central Colorado to about central Oklahoma. I will be taking a handgun for sure but was wondering about the merits of taking a rifle as well. I don't imagine that the zombie apocalypse will occur in the month I am there but would like to hear some feedback.



Where legal of course, my policy is that if I travel more than overnight, 1 day away, or out of state, I bring at least 2 handguns and a long gun when practical. Roadtrips 100%.

Flying, 2 handguns minimum. Checked bags of course.

* You may get delayed who-knows-where and under what conditions.
* They take up nearly zero room, and provide far more benefit than size/weight considerations
* You are almost 100% unlikely or unable to get a replacement if one is lost, stolen, breaks, or if you have to use it and it's detained as evidence. You could find yourself in OK, and the victim of a gun loss, and without a firearm for the entire time.

Also, bring first aid kit, a couple days worth of water and food, and 2 quality flashlights. And cold weather gear. You don't know where your car might break down, or the circumstances of a possible injury, darkness, etc.

My experience?
Traveled around the world, and around the nation. Traveled in, stayed in, and otherwise been around and through some of the worst areas where there is extremely high risk of violence and need for self defense. I have been stranded due to car problems, bad weather, or changed plans, or pure exhaustion or illness. In some instances, I've had to extend my stay at strange locations for several days due to weather, illness, or car problems.

You don't want to be stuck without defensive tools.

Now, what would the argument be AGAINST bringing it?

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Should I bring a rifle?

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