In theory the PC threat hangs over everyone's heads, but somehow it's only those expressing patriot thought who get busted for it, and it is the liberal cult that determines what is and is not thoughtcrime, or to use their word, offensive.
To a patriot, civilian disarmament, socialism, and other parts of what is today called liberalism are as repugnant as racism. If anything that can be construed as racism is to be considered heresy and lead to expulsion and termination, then anti-gun and socialist statements should have the same consequences.
Why do we allow the liberal cult to decide what is heresy? Why do we put up with this glaring double standard? What the liberal cult has done is create a pecking order, with them at the top and patriots at the bottom. And they use this pecking order as a weapon against us.
Why is anything called racism by the liberal cult so terrible that any hint of it is forbidden as heresy, but class hatred is treated as ok, and even encouraged, even though it has led to at least as much oppression, slavery, and mass murder as racism? Why is the one ok when the other is not, when both have been the basis of so much human suffering?
And all of the terrible things caused by both forms of hate were made possible because one group had the power to perpetrate them on the other, and in most if not all cases that power differential was created at least in part by the victims being unarmed by government decree. This makes civilian disarmament, or gun control as it’s commonly called, at least as great an evil as race and class hatred, because without it those who hate would not be able to perpetrate such evil on so many.
So why is it ok for liberals to try to impose civilian disarmament and promote class hatred? Why are these things treated as though they are ok when anything they call racism is forbidden as heresy? Why are these other terrible things not forbidden as heresy too? And why are they in fact imposed on us as religious doctrine, by both liberal culture and government, when they are every bit as destructive as racism?
The answer is that liberal indoctrination has been very effective, and in a system where the vote of a fool carries the same weight as the vote of a wise man, those who control big enough masses of fools control government and culture. But there is another reason too: the patriot side just hasn't been fighting back; those who love freedom have mostly just lowered their eyes, bowed their heads, and submitted to it.
(It should be noted that the liberal cult really is not opposed to racism. In fact it is very racist, blaming all manner of evil on the white man like the Nazis blamed such evil on the Jew. Liberal racism is used as a weapon of political war. But they are the night calling the day dark, convincing ignorant masses that they are not racist but their enemy is. This they accomplish simply by labelling non-acceptance of their dogmas and opposition to their doctrines to be acts of racism. This of course is an absurd lie, which in effect says that not being racist makes one racist. But those who form the liberal herd are easily led by such lies.)
The right to free expression, even if it's offensive, has always been a part of American culture. The thought police are as un-American as anything has ever been. Patriots should be fighting harder to put an end to this weapon of political, cultural, and religious war called political correctness.
PC regarding racism vs socialism and gun control