mardi 22 mai 2018

CA wants free healthcare for illegals

CA has been floating proposals on single payer and other healthcare schemes for a while now, as part of their liberal utopia plan. The state boasts the 5th largest economy while now housing the largest number of homeless in the nation. Their government pension liabilities are off the charts and middle class are jumping off like fleas deserting a drowning dog!

Now, they are serious about giving illegal immigrants free healthcare! Pelosi, the other day said that MS13 were not animals and they had redeeming qualities, CA is a sanctuary state that is openly flouting the federal laws, and now this.

Somebody please tell me how it is possible that anyone with at least a single working brain cell could ever again vote for Democrats?

Democrats might as well put out their campaign slogan now --- MMOAA. Make Mexico Own America Again!

I'd consider changing my name to Fillzee Rodriguez Gonzales and moving there to get free healthcare... so will EVERY illegal in AmeriKa!


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CA wants free healthcare for illegals

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