dimanche 27 mai 2018

Asked to March in the Memorial Day Parade

This will be a long post and I’m sorry for that. My American legion reached out and asked me to march in the parade tomorrow- it may have been more pleading than just asking. They want me in a uniform.

But I’m somewhat perplexed. Now I was a Marine, then a soldier, and then served in the State Organized Militia I served at different ranks in each. I finished my MC enlistment as a Sgt/E-5. I ended my Army one as a SFC/E-7. Finally I finished my last as a SGM/E-9.

Which uniform would be appropriate? I know I can legally wear any of those for an event like this per regs, but I’m really short on Corps stuff and could merely manage to set up a set of BDUs and boots.

I may be able to find my ACUs and the necessary patches and such.

Or I could wear my ASUs from the Army (probably the short sleeve one but don’t honestly know what the Army wears for headgear with that (the regs have changed faster than I could keep up with. )

Or I could wear either the old Army green dress uniform in a Class (I recall was the “C”) with a ****-cutter and represent the State Guard as a SMJ because it’s our uniform.

Last, I could wear my full ASUs as a State Militia SMJ, with saucer cover. I’m having a problem here trying to decide which would be the most appropriate uniform to wear.

Color me confused. I am not going to the parade my old unit does, but this one is a mere mile down the road and they said they really need uniformed people to march with them. Which uniform?

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Asked to March in the Memorial Day Parade

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