lundi 21 mai 2018

Tell me about Kentucky

I have family near and dear to me who are moving there (Jackson county area). We live in central Oregon now. They seem to think they're moving to the Promised Land, but after talking to quite a few people who have spent some time there, the feedback I'm getting is pretty negative, particularly regarding a young family just starting out. Sounds like it might not be a bad deal for someone on fixed income to sell out here, buy a place there for half the price and retire comfortably, but the wages there for a young couple seem atrocious.
He is making nearly $20/hr here, and trying to get a job there for $12/hr. They think the lower cost of living there will more than make up for less income, and they hope to buy a home with land within the first year.

Someone talked them into this move, now I'm hearing so much negativity from literally every single person I've talked to from there, that I'm beginning have some serious concerns. So please tell me everything you know, the good, the bad and the ugly.

I have a lot of appts today so may not be able to respond until tonight. Thanks in advance!

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Tell me about Kentucky

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