vendredi 18 mai 2018

New Ice Age, Climate Just Gave Up 16 yrs of Global Warming

One thing is for certain about the climate, Our future is not going to be boring.

The latest global temp data released by NASA shows the earth cooled significantly over the last 2 years.

Temps dropped by about .5C in just two years, and this occurred during the solar cycle minimum, where zero sun spots have been seen for most of this time.

The big take away from this is, the affect of changes in solar activity, easily overwhelm the impact of increased greenhouse gas levels.

I'm now confident that Earths Climatic Future is a return to Little Ice Age Conditions.
1) I've seen a number of solar prediction models suggesting a multi decade period of near zero sun spot activity.
2) These predictions are supported by dramatic reductions is sun spot observations.
3) Now the lower sun spot activity is producing rapid and significant global cooling.

Prior periods of dramatically reduced solar activity occurred between AD 1350-1850. The sun spot cycle varied dramatically during this time, and resulted in a .8C temp drop by the end if the event. Each time the climate cooled, massive crop failures, wars, and revolutions were the result.

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New Ice Age, Climate Just Gave Up 16 yrs of Global Warming

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