jeudi 31 mai 2018

Do our pets go to heaven?


Originally Posted by cat1978 View Post
I believe that they do go. I believe that animals have a soul that is eternal. I do not know exactly how that works or how it will work in the future but that is my belief from what I observed in the animal world. I also hope my dogs Boxy, Kuky, and my cats Kungry, Angry (daughter of Kungry) and Inga (daughter of Angry) are in heaven now.

I did not find ANY argument in Orthodox Church that go against animals being in Heaven.

P.S. Angry was the calmest and smartest cat I ever encounter in my life. And the only Birmanese that could dominate a big Boxer dog only with her presence. Only once she attacked my Boxer who totally lost that war when he attacked Inga.

For example one time Boxy was staying between the outside door and Angry was coming on the path. She stopped for one second and looked at him. Boxy got up slowly and went aside. Angry passed into the house. Boxy went back to his place and put his brown deer body back on the spot like all was ok. Also Boxy was the most loyal being for me in this Universe until now.

Exactly...our 3-4lb cat (Miss Kitty) completely dominates our mix breed 95lb Boxer (Cezar). He's is so afraid of her he won't walk down a hallway if she is laying there. She rules like a queen in our house.

Last night it stormed like crazy, both dogs are practically sitting our laps shaking like leaves....but calm Miss Kitty is laying out in our 3 season room stretched across the floor without a care in the world while the thunder and lightening raged on

I'll post of picture of him in this thread at some point.

Like you, I would like to think our pets go with us. My wife says heaven wouldn't be heaven without them.

The man who bothers to attend the funeral of every single fallen sparrow seems to have a great heart and love for them.

(Revelation 5:13)
And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, saying, “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!”

I would like to think so, but I just trust Him no matter what.

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Do our pets go to heaven?

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