Create a bookmark.
Go to the bookmark's "properties," which is usually done by right-clicking on it and clicking properties, or going to your browser's version of Favorites or Bookmarks manager.
Paste this link into the bookmark's URL:,113,116,138
Since it truncates the link, here's the important part: search.php?do=getnew&exclude=3,6,8,39,54,76,112,11 3,116,138
Each number represents a subforum you'd like to exclude from your New Posts search. You can tailor your searches by changing these numbers in your bookmark.
To find the number associated with a subforum, just hover over the subforum's link on the webpage and look at the URL displayed at the bottom, or click on the link and look at the URL bar at the top.
The forums I have excluded in the link above are:
3 = General Discussion (non-survival stuff)
6 = Political News and Discussion
8 = Religious Discussion
39 = New Member Introduction
54 = Ladies section (so I don't accidentally post there and get an infraction)
76 = Videos on Religion
112 = Controversial News and Alternative Politics
113 = Devotional and Prayer
116 = The Dark Side
138 =
That's it. Now I just click on my SB bookmark and it displays a list of threads that I'm most likely to be interested in, and I don't have to spend so much time sifting through things I have no interest in.
Hope this helps somebody.
Convenient Way to Search the Forums
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