samedi 1 décembre 2018

Reclaiming Institutions of Higher Learning

Your excellent post nails it exactly. As a 64 year old with a lifetime passion for learning, and a college graduate, I couldn't agree more.

Our institutions of higher learning have become indoctrination centers for radicalization, socialist (if not out-right Communist) indoctrination, and teaching of class envy to our young adults. At a time in life when young people are particularly vulnerable to indoctrination and brainwashing. And I'm not being merely rhetorical stating that. I've seen and heard numerous examples to support that conclusion.

The answer? Voters need to pay much more attention to who is running our universities. In the case of public institutions of higher learning, usually there is an elected Board of Regents, or Board of Trustees, etc. that are in ultimate charge of these colleges and universities. They are elected in general elections, along with other public officials.

Voters need to pay more attention to these elections. Find out who is running, and what they stand for. That's the first step.

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Reclaiming Institutions of Higher Learning

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