jeudi 6 décembre 2018

Sorry retailers, cant buy your Chinese junk for gifts.

Was talking with my sister about her family's/my family's goings-on for Christmas and got on the subject of gifts. She said that they were cutting China out of Christmas toys because the stuff had gotten so junky and out of control on price.

She, like me, has younger children as does most of her neighbors. She had found out that her kids would rather get a dog then junky new toys anyhow. So they have a dog picked out/all the vet stuff already done plus she went on Mickey pet suplies and got made in the USA pet toys.

I was then blown away when she said ALOT of the moms and families in her neighborhood had reached the same conclusion about dumping China for Christmas. They were all networking on local toy makers and craftsmen that build everything from huge swing sets to hand size toys and Christ themed ornaments, gifts and cards since that has become nearly impossible to find at stores.

I know its anecdotal and tiny in the grand scheme of the container ships of Chinese junk that hits our shores, but I was at least encouraged she and others had joined my way of thinking on their own. Its a start.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Sorry retailers, cant buy your Chinese junk for gifts.

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