jeudi 3 janvier 2019

Apple's Losses - what will be the net effect?


Originally Posted by Big_John View Post
Many of you might despise Apple...and express no love lost over their recent losses. Yeah, I think they deserve it.... releasing an $1,100 phone. (Ridiculous!) That debate isn't really the point here. The discussion should be.... What is the global net effect?

Is Apple a Canary in a Global Coal Mine? Is this a hint that SHTF in the Global financial markets is imminent?

In only three months, Apple has lost $452 billion in market capitalization, including tens of billions on Thursday as the tech giant's stock sank further.

Apple shares have fallen by 39.1 percent since Oct. 3, when the stock hit a 52-week high of $233.47 a share. With its market cap down to about $674 billion, those losses are larger than individual value of 496 members of the S&P 500 — including Facebook and J.P. Morgan.

To put the Apple market value plunge in context, $446 billion is:

more than double the size of Wells Fargo
more than three times the size of McDonald's
more than five times the size of Costco
more than 10 times the size of Raytheon


Apple is well positioned but rate of purchase of cell phones is reduing as people keep their phones for longer, they aren't buying every year anymore.

There will probably be more sales once 5G comes out and starts being used. 2020 or later.

Its just a little nonsensical for apple to aim for growth in China when they are being boycotted there due to the Meng Huawei arrest.

If they have production for the market they are being boycotted in, its just not good business planning.

They just aren't offering anything new anymore.

They are going to need to offer something innovative otherwise people won't be compelled to buy cause they don't need to.

Again US will loose big in China on tech due to the attacks on Huawei

It is fueling net nationalization - tech nationalization -- and china will become a much harder market under the "Made in China" 2025 economic program.

Companies like apple that are hedging on China need to rethink their business plans.

Apple is waiting until 2020 apparently to roll out their 5g so they will not be an option for early adopters of 5g

Apple likely has dumped money into buying other companies that are though.

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Apple's Losses - what will be the net effect?

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