I still feed them good quality dry dog food, which is about $1.50-$2 per pound. I pick only 4 or 5 star dog foods, as found on https://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/
However, in the interest of improving their diet, I've begun supplementing with more natural or home-made foods. I've sampled and played with a variety of recipes.
Note, the first step is to be aware of TOXIC foods for dogs. TOXIC or dangerous for dogs includes onions, grapes, garlic, skins from potatoes, avacado, caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, coconut, macadamia nuts, salts and spices, and yeast dough. https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/anima...ding-your-pets
I also no longer give them bones or nylon chews or milkbone type treats.
Now with that in mind, here are some excellent sources of vitamins and recipes.
* Carrots, apples, and pears (no pits or seeds). I cut these up and give them as treats instead of bones and nylon chew toys. I give whole carrots (minus the top, cut off and discarded) and they love them. About 1 per day.
Mix up about equal amounts of cooked white or brown rice - no spices or butter - with washed and dried black and/or pinto beans (not canned, but instead raw beans). Soak the beans overnight and wash them. Cook up the rice and beans. Mix in cooked brocolli, peas (protein), apples, cut carrots, corn, and/or potatoes (no skins) and/or sweat potatoes. These ingredients are very inexpensive.
Next, I'll look for any lean cuts of meat on sale. My butchers and stores locally almost always have a section of meats marked down anywhere from 30-70% off. Liver, chicken, steaks, lamb, fish, tuna fish, canned makerel, salmon, cocktail shrimp, etc. Cook this and mix it in to whatever portion you think is appropriate. I go for about 1 to 5 for the rest of the mixture.
I cook up about 40 pounds of all of this. Then I bag it in about twenty 2-pound quart ziplock bags and put it in the freezer, and pull out one or two at a time to thaw and use.
ALSO, unsweetened raw oatmeal. I've begun giving them a few scoops of cooked oatmeal. Put the oatmeal in their bowl and pour in the boiling water. Mix it up and let it cool. You can add chopped fruits (apple, pear, carrots). I've started mixing the warm oatmeal with the cold rice/beans/meat above, mix it all up for a warm meal. I put in a little dry dog food with it to ensure a well balanced diet.
My dogs have really really shown they absolutely love this very healthy meal.
They are so eager to eat they go nuts. And they seem so very healthy. My 11 year old and 5 year old dogs literally run around and dance when it's time to eat.
Anyone try similar recipes?
Home made dog food
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