jeudi 24 janvier 2019

If asked why you prep.


Because you never know ? Examples from our life:
1. Many years ago, all 5 income streams crashed for the summer... leaving us (a family of 8) with $175 in the bank to live on for 3 months, AND we were feeding out hogs requiring 2-tons of feed a week. Garden in production, freezer full, chickens / rabbits / goats for eggs / meat / milk, good grain mill + stores, well stocked pantry... did not even need to fish or hunt. The feed store told us to just pay in the fall since we had great credit.
2. BIG ice storm, our power was off 3 weeks... only a minor inconvenience !
3. Jump ahead years: had a great business opportunity, that would require over full time commitment BUT would not generate any revenue for 6 months... we just tightened out belts TIGHT, dug into stores when not eating what was in season / being produced on the homestead.. and were able to take advantage of this opportunity (we may have been able to borrow money to live on for 6 months, but hate the though of doing that AND DID NOT NEED TO !
4. Another ice storm, only a week, but once again no issue....
5. (out of order, as this was first: snowed in for 5 weeks (before moving to a warmer climate !), no big deal.

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If asked why you prep.

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