lundi 7 janvier 2019

It would take an extreme event for me to bug out

I live in the South West of England by a beach. my community is semi rural/urban and very close knit. When tourists are gone in the Winter everyone knows each other in town, by face if not name.

When there are local weather events or emergencies everyone pulls together. We deal with crime ourselves due to a completely under resourced police rarely see a cop, they can take hours to arrive if you call them unless it is say a murder or something...people phone friends here not cops.

In total societal collapse like a solar event shutting electricity down for example I'd stay put in my cottage. My neighbours are all cool people, we'd help each other and band together. My best source of food is the sea, which I harvest weekly anyway, fishing, lobster pot, shellfish, seaweed etc.

I can't think of any reason to run to the moors or something, there is next to no food there. The only reason I can imagine bugging out would be some contamination event like radioactivity or whatever.

My community is strong, we have low crime, and it gets dealt with by local gangsters not the police.
The police don't run things here, and the same 'gangsters' who run drugs/guns etc will be the ones in charge in societal collapse. Our major criminals are regular citizens outside of their 'day job', they keep the peace, not the cops...nothing would change regarding that, they would probably provide security from out of towner's and tax us for food/resources in exchange.

I'm confident my community would fare better than places like London, I wouldn't be bugging out away from it any time soon.

So fellow members, is your immediate home environment somewhere you'd wish to bug out from if the lights went out and the stores became empty?

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It would take an extreme event for me to bug out

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