jeudi 3 janvier 2019

Nancy Pelosi - Speaker of the House...Again..

I will not say anything nice about this truly despicable human being. As she is speaking, I keep waiting for her teeth to come rattling out of that wrinkled old plum of a head.

As for McCarthy. He handled himself very well. His speech was motivating and dignified. Quoting Reagan and all. He even managed to hand over the gavel to her without bonking her upside the head with it. That took strength. A strength in which I do no possess.

So.....She's House Speaker. They're going to fight Trump, investigate him, and do everything they can to disrupt and obstruct as they have been doing for the past 2 years.

Let the games begin....or should I say, continue...

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Nancy Pelosi - Speaker of the House...Again..

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