jeudi 24 janvier 2019

Not a high opinion of my local LEO

My husband and I travel around in the handicapped van. It has a logo of a man in a wheelchair on it, and the name of the company all over the vehicle. So anyone looking at it knows it is a conveyance for disabled people.

My husband uses a wheelchair, but can "transfer", which means, get into a regular seat, which he prefers.

Today we got up very early, bought supplies, took them to work, stocked for hours. We left work tired, he had a full bladder but hates to "use it" at work, decided to wait until we got home.

Since it is a shared ride service they rode us around for over an hour before turning onto our street. And there is a police car blocking the driveway.

Plenty of room in front of the house, but he chose not to use the proper spot, and instead block my driveway. He looks at the vehicle, clearly wanting to get into the driveway, with all the little wheelchair men all over the vehicle. My husband punches the garage door remote and it opens. He turns and looks at that, then back at our vehicle.

I tell the driver, "**** this, let us out in the street". If the officer doesn't want us blocking traffic he can move his car.

I get out. I am angry. I hate people blocking out driveway and I hate people making it hard on my husband. This fine officer has managed to do both, and seemingly lacks the intelligence to figure out we need him to move.

Now, I looked. Nothing is going on at our house. The alarm probably tripped at the illegals' house next door, summoning him.

I get out. Now, I've been told, when I'm upset even my body language is angry. All you have to do is look.

He looks at me getting out, turn and talk to my husband. He comes over. "Do you need me to move?"


I just said "I have a man in a wheelchair needs to get into there" [pointing]

"Oh, well, all you had to do was ask" [sarcastic tone of voice]

He moves the car, ours can pull into the driveway and let out my husband (who still needs to pee), get him in the wheelchair and into the house. Nothing wrong with our house once we got inside so I'm betting the alarm went off again next door. Or, maybe they got robbed. I don't know, but I heard their front door opening and closing just fine all during when I laid down with my headache.

To my way of thinking, I should not have had to ask. I would assume a law officer has some deductive ability, and is able to add handicapped van + opening garage door + blocked driveway = he needs to move. It just seems like game playing.

My husband was also pretty annoyed and wanted me to push him over to the officer. I told him no, you are black, the officer is white, we know how that will end. I also reminded myself crazy people do not have a great track record with law enforcement, and just shoved him in the garage and shut the door behind us.

But what is it with EVERYONE wanting to block our driveway?!

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Not a high opinion of my local LEO

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