mercredi 23 janvier 2019

When putting drug addicts in the recovery position becomes normal practice

Yes, sounds crazy doesn't it. I was walking to my friend's house for a beer earlier and on my way put a guy in the recovery position who was lying on his back. He was just about able to say that he had done 'Spice' a synthetic form of weed so I knew he would be okay in 20 minutes or so. I just couldn't live with myself if I read in the local paper that someone had died choking on their own vomit.
Curiously, my mate who I visited told me he had done the same a few days ago.

I've done it 4 times so far this year. I don't live in a rough area, million £'s houses in my street, and rich/poor live cheek by jowl here, there is no 'project' social housing, just a mixture of all socio economic groups slotted into the various accommodation available.
My house is tiny, a converted 200 year old cattle shed, while across the street apartments go for 1 million.

I walk the back streets and alleys, the shady 'smugglers' steps to get to places, they are short cuts. I see drug dealing most days, I actually say hi to most of them now it is so normal for me. I see people under the influence, in a mess on the floor, and if they are on their back I will always put them in the recovery position.
Our local paramedic service has asked people to do this because they are a drain on them. Within an hour they will be fine again so unless there appears to be a serious risk to their health then don't call 999.

I could walk on main streets and avoid it but like I said the back alleys and shady lanes are short cuts so I see it often.
The crazy thing is that it has become normal for me now, like I've been desenticised so asking someone on the floor if they need help or rolling them into the recovery position is just an every day casual thing.

My world is based on the tourist industry and they don't see the reality because they stay on main streets etc. You wouldn't think there were problems like that if you stay away from side roads etc, but in the last few years it has become normal and makes me a bit sad to be honest, so many ruined lives.

So, do you see issues like that in your community? What on earth can be done to fix it?
Rehab services funding? Lock them up?
I have no idea so I'll just carry on rolling folk over and putting them in a safe position so they don't choke on their own vomit.

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When putting drug addicts in the recovery position becomes normal practice

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