mercredi 3 août 2016

Based on recent threads, does M855 serve any legitimate defensive role?

If someone would have told me a few years ago that M855/SS109 was inferior to M193, I would have thought they had their wires crossed, but based on M193's performance characteristics and the numerous advancements made in more recent 5.56 and .223 bullet designs, has M855 lost its place in the defensive cartridge world? Is its only purpose to serve as (comparatively) cheap range fodder for folks who are running other, better defensive ammo of the same or similar weight?

I ask only because I have a small quantity of Federal Fusion MSR and much older Federal "FBI contract overrun" OTM that are both 62gr, as well as Winchester Power-Point and Speer Gold Dot LE in 64gr. Any of these would be - by design - the better choice for what I'll call anti-personnel defense due to fragmentation or expansion, but if lighter M193 penetrates most common surfaces as well or better *and* fragments after penetrating, that seems to leave M855 as strictly a hole-puncher. That's better than a sharp stick I suppose, but not good enough to warrant specifically buying it with a post-SHTF scenario in mind. I've seen a few folks make this observation, but most still seem inclined to buy M855. Maybe they're only doing so in bulk if a low price comes along, but if not, I guess I don't get it. Meanwhile, I'm seeing 62gr .223 FMJ (Armscor at the moment, but sometimes other brands) pop up for less money, perhaps because it doesn't have magical green paint on it. Since many of the premium 62gr is .223 rather than 5.56, it occurs to me that the cheap .223 62gr might be the better practice option.

What am I missing?

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Based on recent threads, does M855 serve any legitimate defensive role?

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