lundi 22 août 2016

Ealier Today, Found My Neighbor On The Ground Twitching

Unfortunately, I guess I have to give up some OPSEC on this post.

I'm in WA state, at and RV park; paying monthly.

I'm sorta self employed, I came back to my RV from my own scheduled appointments to find my neighbor lying on the ground and twitching trying to get up.

He probably weighs in at 300+ lbs, and I have injuries to myself from a semi-recent car accident.

After a couple of attempts, I was NOT able to lift him to his feet by myself; the biggest reason was his inability to help himself, he was fighting against my efforts.

Part of this was because he was FOCUSED on his two laundry bags containing his dirty laundry. Think, "OHHH!!! SHINY!!!", on his face.

I comforted him the best I could, told him that I simply was not able to help him to his feet alone, and that I was going to get extra help as fast as I could. I spoke several times that, "I'm on my way to get extra help and you will be Okay in just a few minutes".

<<SNIP (as I do not want to write a book tonight)>>

We get him on his feet, his walker device pointed in the right direction, and he walks, with his walker about 30 feet to the laundry room. Only, he does not guide his walker into the doorway, he guides it to the WALL on the left side of the doorway. He promptly falls over onto the concrete floor of the laundry room and can not get up.

<<SNIP (as I do not want to write a book tonight)>>

Paramedics arrive. They ask a few questions:
"What day is it?" Tuesday.
"Who is the President?" I'm the President.

"Is it day time or night time?" Correct response given.
"Where are you at?" Correct response given.

<<SNIP (as I do not want to write a book tonight)>>

Paramedic states that the individual answered all three of the required questions properly, and that they could not take him as it would be legally seen as kidnapping.

<<SNIP (as I do not want to write a book tonight)>>

I find out that the two youths that have been RECENTLY over, are suspected drug dealers; my INTERNAL RADAR did not like them ... but I was mentally convinced that they were family.

<<SNIP (as I do not want to write a book tonight)>>

In-law takes the guy to ER; comes back and the guy can NOT take more then 1 step without holding onto something.


I can't watch a guy lying on the ground twitching and NOT try to help; even if I am to injured myself to actually physically help and lift a 300+ lb man by myself.

I do NOT pry into my neighbors activities; but I can not recall where the in-law has actually been present to monitor who is actually getting the "prescribed meds".


None of this is really legally "my" problem to deal with. But, I wonder, what do you think you might do?


Neighbor has a REALLY YAPPY small female dog. Dog seems to YAP YAP YAP continuously when the "suspected druggies" are over "helping". Yappy dog ran to the man on his back in the laundromat doorway once the trailer door was opened; ran past a person that opened the door to get his wallet out of the trailer. Man and Doggy seemed more at calm immediately.


Suspected Druggie Dealer pounded on trailer door while old neighbor guy was in the ER. Yappy dog did not quiet until SDD took himself and his bicycle quite a bit to the other end of the park.


Any comments that might make me sleep better tonight; other then the rum I have already had?

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Ealier Today, Found My Neighbor On The Ground Twitching

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