samedi 6 août 2016

Is the Constitution Party an Option?

Like many rational, free-thinking people, I am struggling with the decision of who to vote for president. Should I vote my conscience, or simply vote for the candidate most likely to defeat the democrats? I've only ever voted against my conscience once, and I regret it. That being said, this election in particular is very important for all the reasons listed in the several threads o the matter in this forum.

I'm considering giving my vote to Castle/Bradley and the Constitution Party. Oddly enough, I have not heard many opinions of this candidate/party in this forum. Am I missing something? While I don't agree with the entirety of their platform, I feel the Constitution Party aligns with many of my ideals and others' in this forum.

Does anyone have any opinions on this matter that would sway my decision, one way or another?

Thanks in advance!

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Is the Constitution Party an Option?

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