jeudi 4 août 2016

Who believes the dollar will collapse in the next 4 yrs?


Originally Posted by Red Dirt Walker View Post

Title pretty much says it. Who believes the dollar will collapse in the next 4 years, and does it matter who the President is at the time?

There will not be an immediate SHTF/TEOTWAWKI situation. It is, and will continue to be, a gradual decline. The government is not going to suddenly go bankrupt, the producers will not suddenly all stop working; they will each, succumb gradually and in parts.

Look to Venezuela. That did not happen over night, but over the span of many many years.

Without a drastic change in our current social and political climate, there will not be a change. A single person cannot save or doom us as they did not create the issue and are more of a symptom than a cause.

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Who believes the dollar will collapse in the next 4 yrs?

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