mercredi 23 novembre 2016

What a Preppers Arsenal Should Be

As a gun guy it is easy to get carried away. I love all of my guns and I hardly ever see a gun I don't want. It is very easy to get caught up in the latest and greatest and forget that as Preppers we should also be practical. What all this means for us.

The first thing we need to consider is which calibers are we going to focus on. It's too easy to get caught up on owning every different caliber in the books but we really need to narrow it down. If our bedside gun is a 9mm than our backup gun, our wife's gun and our CCW should also be 9mm. If our fighting rifle is going to be a 556 than our wife's fighting rifle, our sons fighting rifle and our back up should all be of the same caliber.

It doesn't make a lot of sense to have a 308 bolt action, a 270 and a 30-06. They all serve basically the same purpose. Now based on our particular needs and the game we hunt it could make perfect sense to have a 308 as well as a 300 win mag or maybe even 375H&H. It doesn't however make sense to have a 7.62x39 AK for you and a 556 AR for your wife.

The next thing to standardize on is platforms if you're fighting rifle is an AK than your wife's, kids and your back up should all be AKs. This allows for parts interchangeability, standardization of training as well as standardization of ammo.

It makes no sense for your fighting pistol to be Glock 17, your wife's to be a beretta 92, your kids to be an XD, and your CCW to be an M&P Shield. If you all just standardized on one platform like the Glock or M&P then you could interchange parts, interchange magazines, and develop one standard for training/muscle memory.

I know it might seem boring to do it this way but there are still many avenues for variety like setting up your AR like a Srandard M4. While Your wife's AR was set up to be super light weight. Your back AR could be a long range precision AR or you could set it up for 3 gun. The same goes for your M&Ps different back straps, sights, triggers, mag wells, stippling, colors, etc.

There is no set rule for how many calibers. The strictly SHTF Prepper might be able to get away with only .22, 9mm, 5.56, and 12ga where as the hunter/ hobbyist like myself might still have 10-15 different calibers. For example I have 22, 22mag, 9mm, 38, 357, 45, 10mm, 5.56, 30-30, and 12ga. But with the exception of 30-30 and 10mm I own at least 3 guns in every other caliber. That covers all of my hobbies; Like IDPA, Bowling pin Match, Skeet, small game hunting, large game hunting, bird hunting and pistol hunting.

At the end of the day keep it simple. And when you're done with that. Keep it just a little more simple. I was watching one of my favorite Prepper channels the other day when he showed all of his handguns, no 2 were the same caliber let alone the same platform. I find him hard to take seriously after that.

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What a Preppers Arsenal Should Be

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